Whether you are looking for an exquisite whisky or a fine wine, you'll find what you need at Lees Wine & Spirits. Our liquor store has its roots in the early 1970's and has gone from selling the everyday staples to the unique and hard-to-find. We offer an outstanding variety of options including:
- High-end Liquor
- Wine
- Craft Beer
- Fine Wines
- Exotic Alcohol
Find affordable, delicious wines at Lees Wine & Spirits!
Fearful of purchasing a wine you know nothing about while a wine expert judges you? There's no need to be afraid here! We have a variety of fine wines in stock. You'll find everything from Bordeux to Malbec on our shelves. If you're not sure what type of wine you would enjoy, our wine experts would be happy to help you make a selection! We have wines guaranteed to suit your taste and budget.